Have you ever worked with an external recruiter? If you have, you’re very familiar with the benefits. You gain an advocate in your job search and an expert in recruitment in your corner. We can advise you on how to best present your materials to the companies we work with. We can help you prepare...
You completed all the interviews. Your references were contacted. But when you gave notice at your company, you were faced with something you may or may not have expected: a counteroffer.  So now what do you do? There are many considerations in weighing your options.  We always recommend asking yourself why you’re pursuing a new...
ChatGPT did NOT write this article. But if we’ve learned anything from our survey, it’s that we might let it write a future one. Well, a future first draft.  Since ChatGPT’s introduction at the end of 2022, generative AI has been of speculation on what we might or might not be able to use it...
Compensation is always a hot topic. If you’ve looked at compensation news in recent years, you’ve probably seen the Gartner HR Research stat that only 32% of employees believe their pay is fair. Or Pew Research’s study from early 2023 that revealed that a mere 34% would call themselves extremely or very satisfied with their...
Following the interest in part 1 of our State of In-Person/Hybrid/Remote Work survey, we designed part 2. We found some interesting trends in part 1, and part 2 did not disappoint.  This time around, we wanted to hear about who has updated or plans to update to their in-person office policy in 2024. We’ve filtered...
We planned our survey about the state of in-person/hybrid/remote work based on feedback we received from clients. While new articles are coming out every week trying to anticipate what trends we’ll see in 2024, nothing brings home the stakes like the recent Kyte Baby controversy.  Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, remote work has...
It’s been a well-documented trend that American workers struggle to fully unplug from work while taking paid time off. We wanted to see how true that trend was in our own community over the holidays and how it impacted their satisfaction with their holidays plans. We asked our followers how they planned to spend their...
Chaloner and PRSA wrap up their series of articles on how candidates and clients can best navigate the recruiting process. Our final post highlights The Timeless Art of Negotiating, which is now live and available to review here.
Chaloner and PRSA wrap up their series of articles on how candidates and clients can best navigate the recruiting process. Our final post highlights The Timeless Art of Negotiating, which is now live and available to review here.
It is important to always keep a finger on the pulse of the economy. Every day we experience real-time job market fluctuations based on the active roles and interviews we are managing. However, we saw a need to get feedback from others in the market who are not involved in our company’s inner workings.
Chaloner and PRSA wrap up their series of articles on how candidates and clients can best navigate the recruiting process. Our final post highlights The Timeless Art of Negotiating, which is now live and available to review here.
Chaloner & PRSA continue the conversation with the nature of references. The next featured post, References: The Last But Not Least Step in the Job-Hunting Process, is now live and available to review here.
Chaloner & PRSA continue the conversation on virtual interviewing tips & tricks. The next featured post, Lights, Camera, Interview, is now live and available to review here.
Chaloner & PRSA continue the conversation focusing on "The Recruiter Relationship". The next featured post, Getting on the Right Foot: The Recruiter Relationship, is now live and available to review here.
Chaloner & PRSA launch series focused on navigating the recruitment process. The first post, When Opportunity Calls: The Candidate Screen, is now live and available to review here.
Podcast host Jake Jordan of Impart Over Attention interviews Chaloner President Larry Brantley. The impact of people working from home and going back to work has changed the fabric of the workplace.
Behind every successful business is a successful mind, and we’re here to bring you some of the most successful minds in business today. Are you looking for a job?
There is no question that 2020 has been a unique and arduous year for recruitment. The focus on ensuring that your organization’s hiring process is inclusive is a widely discussed topic. At Chaloner, this is not a new subject for us.
Today more than ever, many positions don’t make it to job boards, and when they do, hiring managers can be overwhelmed with applicants. As a result, networking is imperative for an effective job search. And it’s a good idea to practice networking even when you’re not actively looking.
So you've been laid-off. Regardless of whether you anticipated losing your job, the experience is unsettling. Even if you were beginning to prepare for unemployment, it’s natural to feel destabilized in the face of it.
Breaking & Entering is a podcast for students, recent grads, or experts interested in advertising, media, and journalism. Listeners are engaged in real conversations from students to CEOs in the communications world.
At Chaloner, we often ask our candidates what type of “on-the-job training” they’ve received. Cultivating your skills is an exciting way to take control of your career. PR professionals know that the market has evolving needs; and in recent months we had to adapt how we learn about and answer those needs.
Everyone at one point in their job search happens upon a job they want to apply for, but for which they don’t completely meet the qualifications. When should you still apply, and when should you treat the job description as law?
Like many people across the United States, Chaloner has been watching the events of spring and summer 2020 with sadness and also with hope. We witness violence and injustice rooted in a long history of racism in the United States, but also see collective action towards a better future.
In the wake of the pandemic, I’m seeing hundreds of Communications and PR pros on the hunt for new positions, when in reality, our industry has never been in more demand. While it may appear to be a seller’s market, the non-negotiables rarely change.
Virtual interviews, that can even lead to virtual hires, have become the new norm. And they may likely be here to stay, saving companies time and money, and offering an efficient path to narrow the candidate pool to a top few.
One of the frequent comments we hear from prospective clients is that they desperately need help filling roles, but did not budget for recruiter fees. They often feel stuck because as much as they need to fill the job, they cannot seem to justify the expense to cover the cost.
Graduate Challenges - TCU Interview (Video). In this video interview, Larry Brantley shares professional insights for college Seniors worried about the advertising job market, while providing strategies to position themselves for success.
As odd is it may sound, trying to find talent in a good economy can be quite a challenge.  Employers finally have additional dollars to invest in new hires and the “investment hires” only to find the pool of qualified applicants looking to make a job change extremely small. In a bad economy there is...
As we approached the end of the second quarter of 2020, the world turned upside down. COVID-19 stretched its infectious arm around the globe and brought “business as usual” to a near halt. Now, a few weeks later, people and businesses have adapted to the new routine and it feels as if the wheels have...
Julian Placino: Pathways to Success - Interview with the President of Chaloner, Larry Brantley (Podcast). Chaloner is a national executive search firm specializing in communications, public relations and marketing recruitment.
And just as important, who knows you. Today we all look to the internet to find new job options.  However, while there is a lot to be found, you must make sure you are on the top of the heap of candidates being considered.  Just posting your resume on LinkedIn will not assure you of...
In the latest installment of Biznology.com’s Wednesday Wisdom series, our very own Amy Segelin shares her insights on the “holistic communicator” in an article written by John G. Clemons. According to Amy, “The social and digital revolution has changed the specialist function drastically. The internal communications specialist in the past who created a communications plan...
As odd is it may sound, trying to find talent in a good economy can be quite a challenge. Employers finally have additional dollars to invest in new hires and the “investment hires” only to find the pool of qualified applicants looking to make a job change extremely small. In the most recent BLS (Bureau...
Today’s #takemebacktuesday recounts the importance of saying thanks. It is only natural to breathe a sigh of relief coming out of a big interview or meeting that you think has gone well, but your work isn’t quite done. Don’t forget the final and significant step: a prompt follow up. In the professional world, a thank...
    For today’s #takemebacktuesday, we revisit a few thoughts on successful interview preparation. Candidates often ask us for interview advice. There is a wealth of good advice available everywhere these days – just try googling “interview advice” and see how many links pop up! Here are 3 valuable ideas anyone can use to prepare...
I recently came across a quote that really resonates with me: “It is not possible to manufacture talent – you have to recruit it in the first place.” At Chaloner, we have a long and respected history of being laser focused on finding and vetting the best talent for our clients and creating long-term, mutually...
Let’s revisit how to approach the “compensation conversation” for today’s #takemebacktuesday. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that compensation is a major factor in most job searches. In a LinkedIn survey of over 7500 people who’ve recently changed jobs, better compensation was the third top reason people were compelled to change employers, and the number one...
For today’s #takemebacktuesday, lets revist the how vital the first 90 days of any job is. It’s the standard grace period for new employees: a time to get settled, but also a time to show coworkers and employers how you plan to handle your new role. It’s because of this that the 30/60/90 Question— “What...
It’s that time of year again. For today’s #takemebacktuesday, let’s revisit tips on holiday networking. As your calendar fills up (and your shopping list, too), it is tempting to put the pause button on your networking efforts until the new year. You’ll get back out there when you’ve got that 2015 fire in your belly....
The counteroffer and its impact on your career is the subject of today’s #takemebacktuesday. When you are presented with a counteroffer, how do you weigh the options at hand? What else is at stake beyond the dollar comparison? Here are some questions to ask yourself before running right back to the same desk you were sitting in...
Let’s revisit a few important questions to prepare for during your next interview for today’s #takemebacktuesday. Many of the hiring managers we work with find situational questions so informative. If you are assessing talent and not asking these questions, you may want to consider introducing some into your interview line-up. Asking a candidate to respond to a...
Let’s revisit a post featuring leadership qualities during Women’s History Month. #takemebacktuesday Here we are at the end of Women’s History Month and it’s fitting that March featured many well-run, well-attended events at women’s organizations across the country. I had the pleasure of attending the Young Women in Digital event in Boston and most recently a...
For today’s #takemebacktuesday, we revisit the importance of company culture. It’s no secret that company culture influences hiring decisions, but at some organizations, (like Zappos) it plays a role in firing decisions as well. Failing to contribute to company culture is a legitimate reason for dismissal according to CEO Tony Hseih. He says, “Our whole...
For today’s #takemebacktuesday, let’s reexamine the value of stepping back from a hobby or process to get a different view. The most common complaint we hear from candidates is frustration with the job search, and the most common feedback we hear from hiring managers is frustration with the candidate search. This week I’ll offer three common trouble areas in...
For today’s #takemebacktuesday, let’s reflect on how to get your hat in the ring. Jobseekers will often ask me how to get their hat in the ring for certain positions. Maybe you’ve just learned of a role that was filled that you didn’t even know was open. It’s the kind of company you’d love to...
Lets revisit what to remember about social media when on the job search for today’s #takemebacktuesday. If you are looking for a great job, here are three important things to keep in mind: 1. Tell your story 2. Keep your story up-to-date 3. Broadcast your story Social Media works for all three.  The people you...
Today’s #takemebacktuesday reflects on the age old interview question of “defining success”. Over your career, one of the most common interview questions you’ll hear is “How do you define success?” While it’s a favorite of hiring managers and recruiters, it’s widely disliked by many candidates, who feel frustrated by the open-ended nature of the question. However, I...
For this week’s #takemebacktuesday post, we revisit the impact of being a good alumnus. You probably have the number memorized by now. “Hello, I’m calling from the Alumni Relations Department at your alma mater…” Maybe you get emails and direct mail from your university reminding you where you came from, checking up on you and seeing if...
Today’s #takemebacktuesday post recalls a conversation with next generation publicist, Joel Mandina. I recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with a favorite candidate, Joel Mandina. Joel came to us from Keating Magee in New Orleans and we placed him at Mullen in Boston. He went onto launch his own company, VICE Marketing and has just completed...
Today we revisit the importance of incorporating your charitable endeavors onto your digital footprint. #takemebacktuesday Which philanthropic experiences and volunteer efforts make their way into your online profile? You serve on the board of a local non-profit, there was that volunteer effort you coordinated to mentor students at the nearby middle school- oh, and didn’t...
For today’s #takemebacktuesday post, lets look back on a few interview preparation tips. “Being unprepared heightens nerves,” says virtuoso flute player, James Galway. He would know; an unrehearsed performance is as painful as an unprepared job interview. If nothing else, walking in the room with your homework done will give you confidence. Your preparation will...
Lets take a moment to reflect on a previous post. What makes you happy? Sometimes it is the simplest questions that catch us the most off guard. I know several hiring managers who ask a version of the question: What makes you happy in your chosen job or career? If you’re not asking this question of...
With summer in full effect, lets revisit a few tips on dressing for success. Appearance can make or break an interview. This may seem petty, but the bottom line is that an employer needs to have confidence that you’ll represent them well while on the job. 1. Dress Professionally…even if it’s Friday Unless told otherwise,...
For this week on #takemebacktuesday, we refocus on how numbers impact the interview process. In an interview setting, conversation can tend to live in the land of really good ideas and not enough in the world of nitty gritty numbers. It’s easy for this to happen given that so much of the conversation is hypothetical;...
For this week’s #takemebacktuesday post, lets review the best practices for showcasing your skills. There is a reason they say, “the proof is in the pudding,” not “the proof is in the pudding’s degree,” or “the proof is in the pudding’s references.” Though these things are factors, at the end of the day hiring decisions...
Lets revisit these best practices of networking for today’s #takemebacktuesday post. Many positions don’t make it to job boards. Even fewer are advertised these days. As a result, networking is imperative for an effective job search. And it’s a good idea to practice even when you’re not actively looking. Here are some basic steps to plan your...
Lets revisit what do to and not do on LinkedIn for this week’s #takemebacktuesday blog post. LinkedIn now has over 400 million members and 40% of its users visit the site daily. Used by 98% of recruiters, there is no denying the importance of having a presence on this platform. I spent some time this spring...
For this week’s #takemebacktuesday post, I reflect on previous back-to-back Skype interviews with candidates. Although I determined both candidates were qualified for the position I was recruiting for, one Skype session was much more successful than the other. It got me thinking about what contributed to the better interview since the candidates were similar. Location Like real...
For the final #takemebacktuesday post, we revisit how a job description can play a significant role in the hiring process; from the moment it is created, to its approval within an organization, to being posted, to sharing with candidates, to when it’s used as an interview tool. It will be seen by many, many people and really becomes part of...
Last week we continued #takemebacktuesday and reviewed who and how to ask for references. This week will focus on The Nuts and Bolts. What exactly is being checked in a reference check? I compared notes with the rest of our Chaloner team and there is a shared rhythm we tend to follow for these conversations....
We continue #takemebacktuesday this week by reflecting on our previous References series. Even though reference checking typically comes in the final stage of an interview process, it is still a crucial and significant step. Claudio Fernandez-Araoz, a senior advisor at global executive firm Egon Zehnder and career advice author, told Harvard Business Review “Given the option of either interviewing...
#takemebacktuesday Last week, we revisited how to get the most out of an interview where I posted about helpful interview skills after my stint as a coach at New York Women in Communication’s Night of the Coaches event. Since many of the attendees were just out of college, a lot of the questions centered around informational...
Lets revisit how to get the most out of an interview. #takemebacktuesday Many blog posts ago we created an interview strategy series. Here are two pesky interviews questions you might not be prepared for. Here are the first two: Tell me a success story Advice: Have at least three at the ready. Consider the audience,...
Today, I’m continuing our skills building series in which I discuss different techniques, trends and tips in specific communications functions. This week I’ll be focusing on crisis communications and the do’s and don’t’s of social media as a part of a crisis communications plan. When your social media accounts are being bombarded with complains or...
For the rest of April, I’ll be continuing our skills building series in which I discuss different techniques, trends and tips in specific communications functions. This week I’ll be focusing on employee communications and best practices for 2016 according to a terrific article by Edelman’s Amy Kot. Kot, a Senior Vice President of Employee Engagement,...
When you’re interviewing for a job, you won’t only be getting questions about your previous performance, but you’ll also be asked about what you plan to do once you’re in the role. It’s helpful for hiring managers who are trying to gauge your skills and if you’re a good fit for the company at large....
At Chaloner, we work exclusively in the world of PR and communications and have for over 30 years. Because of this, we get to see emerging trends and changes in different communications spaces. Over the next few weeks, I will explore different techniques, trends, and tips in specific communications functions. This week, I want to...
The world of public relations and communications has always been fast-paced, but it seems that today the needs of companies are shifting quicker than ever. As companies put more emphasis on digital and mobile capabilities, professionals are also adapting. But what can we expect our needs to be several years from now? In a recent...
At Chaloner, we look through hundreds of resumes. As a candidate, your goal is to create a clear, organized resume that summarizes your skills and work history. You don’t want to do anything that would make your resume hard to read or confusing. One recurring mistake that can create an unnecessary obstacle is not including...
There always comes a moment in the interview when the people across the table ask the candidate what questions they have. This can be a stressful moment for candidates who may have not have given it thought prior to the interview. While we’ve written about great questions candidates can ask in this scenario, this week’s...
The interview process is not just about finding out if your work habits and qualifications are right for the role, but also about determining how you’ll fit in with the team both culturally and functionally. This month’s interview question is “What do you want your next manager to bring to the table?” This question does...
I wanted to take this week to get back to basics and talk about resumes. At Chaloner, we have a database of nearly 100,000 resumes and our recruiters spend a lot of time looking at incoming resumes every day. While you know some of the bigger rules about resumes, here are tips about smaller issues...
Last week, I spoke about the importance of professional development for employees. This week, I’d like to examine the reverse: the need for companies to provide professional development opportunities for their employee base. Employees invest in their companies by handling evolving roles and assuming increased responsibilities. Here is why professional development should be a part...
Hiring managers know that when candidates are interviewing, they’re not just considering the job, they’re also considering the company culture. While company culture can mean anything from the physical layout of the office to the company org chart to the culture of communication, this week I’d like to discuss the ways in which a company...
In every search Chaloner takes on, candidates want to know: what’s the work-life balance at this company? In today’s workforce, work-life balance is a buzzword, but it’s important to consider what it really means to you. Throughout the many spheres of public relations and communications, specific roles have their own time demands, but in a...
At Chaloner, we work extensively in the realm of public relations across all services and industries. We get an inside look at how PR is changing and growing. Here are some exciting emerging trends: Thought leadership is a priority As John Halls said in a recent Forbes article, increasing emphasis is being placed on thought...
Happy New Year, and welcome back to The Interview Room! We have exciting things planned for the blog this year as we continue to investigate and celebrate the ins and outs of hiring and job searches. As many of us emerge from the food- and family-haze of the holidays, we think about goals for this year– not...
This week’s blog post was guest-written by Nicole Silverberg, executive assistant in Chaloner’s NY office. Here on The Interview Room, we’ve investigated what it means to be a Millennial in today’s workforce. After all, there are more than 53 million employed Millennials: over one third of employed Americans overall. We know that Millennials are invested...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Alanna Miller, who joined the NY Chaloner office this summer. Alanna has an extensive marketing background and a deep commitment to creating a seamless experience for her clients and candidates. She moved into executive search in 2013 to build out the marketing and communications practice of a rapidly-growing...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Alanna Miller, who joined the NY Chaloner office this summer. Alanna has an extensive marketing background and a deep commitment to creating a seamless experience for her clients and candidates. She moved into executive search in 2013 to build out the marketing and communications practice of a rapidly-growing...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Alanna Miller, who joined the NY Chaloner office this summer. Alanna has an extensive marketing background and a deep commitment to creating a seamless experience for her clients and candidates. She moved into executive search in 2013 to build out the marketing and communications practice of a rapidly-growing...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Alanna Miller, who joined the NY Chaloner office this summer. Alanna has an extensive marketing background and a deep commitment to creating a seamless experience for her clients and candidates. She moved into executive search in 2013 to build out the marketing and communications practice of a...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Georgia Aarons. Georgia joined the NY Chaloner office earlier this year. She started her career recruiting for investment banks and Fortune 500 companies before working in London for a PR agency. A graduate of Columbia and Cambridge, Georgia also has a passion for writing and strategic communications. Her recent publications...
As we’ve featured various voices on the blog over the past couple months covering a variety of subjects and specializations, it occurred to me that we had overlooked one of the more obvious elements of a search: your relationship with a recruiter. This week, I surveyed the recruiters at Chaloner to find out how to maximize...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Georgia Aarons. Georgia joined the NY Chaloner office earlier this year. She started her career recruiting for investment banks and Fortune 500 companies before working in London for a PR agency. A graduate of Columbia and Cambridge, Georgia also has a passion for writing and strategic communications. Her recent publications...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Georgia Aarons. Georgia joined the NY Chaloner office earlier this year. She started her career recruiting for investment banks and Fortune 500 companies before working in London for a PR agency. A graduate of Columbia and Cambridge, Georgia also has a passion for writing and strategic communications. Her recent...
As I’ve read the past couple months of Interview Room blog posts written by our fabulous guest bloggers, Kassie Wilner, Jenn Saldarelli, and Christine Santeusanio, I’ve thought about the value of stepping back from any hobby or process to get a different view. This type of reexamination is also helpful for candidates and hiring managers. The...
I had a wonderful time serving as a panelist at Young Women in Digital‘s “How to Show Off Your Digital Savvy” event last week. YWD has grown to over 1,000 members as well as a team of seven administrators including a social media director, event coordinator, blog director, and founder Melanie Cohn who led the event. Attendees...
We are thrilled to welcome Georgia Aarons and Alanna Miller to Chaloner. Both are wonderful additions to the New York office. The press release can be found here, and below! NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Chaloner, a national search firm specializing in communications, public relations and marketing, announced today the addition of two experienced professionals to its New...
This week’s blog is written by Chaloner’s Christine Santeusanio. Christine is in her tenth year with Chaloner, in the Boston office. She has led various searches for both PR and integrated agencies as well as corporate communications positions. Christine is involved with the PRSA, Young Women in Digital, Boston Women Communicators and the Boston Irish Business...
This week’s blog is written by Chaloner’s Christine Santeusanio. Christine is in her tenth year with Chaloner, in the Boston office. She has led various searches for both PR and integrated agencies as well as corporate communications positions. Christine is involved with the PRSA, Young Women in Digital, Boston Women Communicators and the Boston Irish Business...
This week’s blog is written by Chaloner’s Christine Santeusanio. Christine is in her tenth year with Chaloner, in the Boston office. She has led various searches for both PR and integrated agencies as well as corporate communications positions. Christine is involved with the PRSA, Young Women in Digital, Boston Women Communicators and the Boston Irish...
This week’s blog is written by Chaloner’s Christine Santeusanio. Christine is in her tenth year with Chaloner, in the Boston office. She has led various searches for both PR and integrated agencies as well as corporate communications positions. Christine is involved with the PRSA, Young Women in Digital, Boston Women Communicators and the Boston Irish...
Over your career, one of the most common interview questions you’ll hear is “How do you define success?” While it’s a favorite of hiring managers and recruiters, it’s widely disliked by many candidates, who feel frustrated by the open-ended nature of the question. However, I believe if a candidate understands why this question is being...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Jenn Saldarelli. Jenn is a senior associate at Chaloner and has spent a decade in executive search. She has led searches for mid- and senior-level communications and marketing professionals for non-profits, Fortune 500 organizations and PR agencies large and small. Job interviews can be nerve-wracking: have you researched...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Jenn Saldarelli. Jenn is a senior associate at Chaloner and has spent a decade in executive search. She has led searches for mid- and senior-level communications and marketing professionals for non-profits, Fortune 500 organizations and PR agencies large and small. One of the first things I do when...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s Jenn Saldarelli. Jenn is a senior associate at Chaloner and has spent a decade in executive search. She has led searches for mid- and senior-level communications and marketing professionals for non-profits, Fortune 500 organizations and PR agencies large and small. You may think the content of a...
When you’re applying for a job, you’re looking for more than a series of exciting responsibilities. You simply can’t do your best work unless you’re in an environment where you feel at home.  Indeed, the culture of a company should greatly factor in your decision to work there (as well as the company’s decision to...
This week’s blog post is written by Chaloner’s VP, Kassie Wilner. Kassie has been a recruiter with Chaloner for the past 10 years. She has led numerous searches for external and internal communications professionals. Prior to working with us, she was a communications consultant to public agencies in California. Last week I attended the ExL...
I’m excited to share that the rest of July’s blog posts will be written by Chaloner’s VP, Kassie Wilner. Kassie has been a recruiter with Chaloner for the past 10 years. She has led numerous searches for external and internal communications professionals. Prior to working with us, she was a communications consultant to public agencies...
The first ninety days of any job are vital. It’s the standard grace period for new employees: a time to get settled, but also a time to show coworkers and employers how you plan to handle your new role. It’s because of this that the 30/60/90 Question— “What are your goals for the first 30,...
This is the fourth and final installment of our series on hiring ruts, and we’re nearing the most exciting part of the process. With a well-crafted job description, excellent candidate pool, and revealing interviews behind you, hopefully it’s time for you to extend an offer. However, it’s not time to relax quite yet! Here are...
This week I’m going to continue to explore solutions to hiring ruts, particularly during the interview process. Perhaps you keep hitting a wall at a certain point in your hiring process: the candidates who look good on paper aren’t delivering in person, or are revealed to be a poor fit late in the game. Here...
This week, I’d like to focus on cultivating an exciting talent pool. Of course, every organization has its own hiring process, but no matter the search, there are ways for a hiring manager to build or improve their talent pool. Here at Chaloner, we have a process that helps us move beyond the obvious steps...
Nearly every company will, from time to time, find themselves in a hiring rut. Over the next four weeks I’ll offer some tips on how to break out of that rut and attract candidates you love and, more importantly, are right for the job. This week I want to focus on the job description. Rethinking...
Getting ready for an interview should include preparing questions, not just answers. Amy Hoover, president of TalentZoo, says “It’s expected- and if you don’t ask at least two questions, you will appear disinterested, or worse, less intelligent and engaged than a prospective employer would like.”  So, what questions will demonstrate your enthusiasm and knowledge about...
It’s no secret that company culture influences hiring decisions, but at some organizations, (like Zappos) it plays a role in firing decisions as well. Failing to contribute to company culture is a legitimate reason for dismissal according to CEO Tony Hseih. He says, “Our whole belief is if you get the culture right, then most...
What exactly is being checked in a reference check? I compared notes with the rest of our Chaloner team and there is a shared rhythm we tend to follow for these conversations. We identified some fundamental things we hope to learn from a good reference. Getting Down to the Details The reference has information that...
Even though reference checking typically comes in the final stage of an interview process, it is still a crucial and significant step. Claudio Fernandez-Araoz, a senior advisor at global executive firm Egon Zehnder and career advice author, told Harvard Business Review “Given the option of either interviewing a candidate without checking references or checking references...
There may be only one question that you can guarantee will be asked of you in any interview:                        Why do you want this job? And yet, although this question shouldn’t come as a surprise, it is often a stumbling block for even the most qualified candidates. Perhaps it is overlooked in interview prep because...
American author Frederick Buechner says your vocation ought to be the place “where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” His words seem to have taken root in the millennial generation, for whom mission matters as much as compensation, title and lifestyle. Of course those other things are important too, but studies and...
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that compensation is a major factor in most job searches. In a LinkedIn survey of over 7500 people who’ve recently changed jobs, better compensation was the third top reason people were compelled to change employers, and the number one reason that convinced people to change. And yet, talking about...
In an interview setting, conversation can tend to live in the land of really good ideas and not enough in the world of nitty gritty numbers. It’s easy for this to happen given that so much of the conversation is hypothetical; what you might do for this company, what you think could happen in this...
This month I’m highlighting the need for analytical skills. Employers want to recruit candidates who know how to look at data, make sense of it, and use it strategically. Understand what data can do To convince a hiring manager that you are comfortable working with big data, stay focused on the specific ways in which...
LinkedIn has released their list of top ten buzzwords from 2014. This includes the most commonly used words in the summary section of profiles. Here is their list: Motivated Passionate Creative Driven Extensive experience Responsible Strategic Track record Organizational Expert While some of these things may be true, they lose their meaning the more they...
You probably have the number memorized by now. “Hello, I’m calling from the Alumni Relations Department at your alma mater…” Maybe you get emails and direct mail from your university reminding you where you came from, checking up on you and seeing if you have anything to contribute. It is easy to ignore these calls...
  As we get to know our clients and candidates, we ask them to tell us about their previous interview experiences. Hiring managers have countless tales of bad interview experiences ranging from candidates being late, not doing their research and not following up after the interview.  But the most aggravating part of the talent search...
Sometimes it is the simplest questions that catch us the most off guard. I know several hiring managers who ask a version of the question: What makes you happy in your chosen job or career? If you’re not asking this question of candidates, you might want to start. And if you’re not prepared to answer...
It would be understandable for PR pros to keep their distance from the hubbub about big data. In all likelihood, it is words and images that make you tick. You have an instinct for people and pathos. And big data, with its numbers and graphs and birds eye view, would seem to invite a different...
Of course every PR job description is its own cocktail of different skills and types of experience, but I hear certain skills talked about far more than they once were. Some agencies that have historically organized their staff according to their client work are now making room for professionals who don’t necessarily fit into one...
“Being unprepared heightens nerves,” says virtuoso flute player, James Galway. He would know; an unrehearsed performance is as painful as an unprepared job interview. If nothing else, walking in the room with your homework done will give you confidence. Your preparation will demonstrate your work ethic to the employer, as well as your sincere interest...
This month’s great interview question comes from our Vice President, Kassie Wilner: Who do you think is getting it right online and why? Kassie hears this coming up a lot in interviews for digital communications and social media roles. Hiring managers want to know who you see as thought leaders in the industry, whose strategies...
Rasheen Carbin, of the new job matching app, nspHire, echoes a sentiment that I hear from many hiring managers who lament the amount of generic cover letters and irrelevant resumes they receive. “As a hiring manger, I see this as evidence that you’re applying for jobs en masse without any consideration as to your qualifications...
The Forecast The reports are coming in and most polls suggest a healthy job market for the year ahead. CareerBuilder’s annual job forecast suggests that more than one third of employers plan to add full-time, permanent employees in 2015; the best outlook since 2006. And, there’s good news for skilled public relations professionals and marketers...
Over the years I have had the privilege of meeting and working with some tremendous millennial talent. These young leaders and communicators are highly coveted for their fresh energy, relevance and digital savvy. Of course not every generation X or generation Y candidate is wired the same way, but there are some shared values across...
It’s the kind of question you cannot prepare for. That may be why many of the hiring managers we work with find situational questions so informative. If you are assessing talent and not asking these questions, you may want to consider introducing some into your interview line-up. Asking a candidate to respond to a hypothetical...
There are many people who will take a break from their job search over the holidays, due to a full calendar of activities or a common belief that hiring doesn’t really happen this time of year. And while it’s true that some hiring managers may be slow to respond, it is a myth that all...
There is a reason they say, “the proof is in the pudding,” not “the proof is in the pudding’s degree,” or “the proof is in the pudding’s references.” Though these things are factors, at the end of the day hiring decisions come down to your abilities. Have you convinced the hiring manager that you possess...
It’s that time of year. As your calendar fills up (and your shopping list, too), it is tempting to put the pause button on your networking efforts until the new year. You’ll get back out there when you’ve got that 2015 fire in your belly. Besides, isn’t everyone busy around the holidays? You’re wise to...
Starting this December, I am going to pose one great interview question every month. I will break down what a successful answer to that question might include and also what to avoid in your response. Hopefully, this will be a useful tool for hiring managers and job seekers alike. “What or who inspires you and...
There is one question that is being asked in interviews more and more often these days. It takes various forms but the gist of it is: who do you follow? Who do you read? Who do you listen to? Who do you look to as thought leaders in your industry? It is important to hiring...
Last month, we announced the retirement of our founder, Ted Chaloner, and I have just returned from Boston where we held several events to honor and celebrate his career. This included making a major announcement at the PRSA Boston annual meeting where I unveiled the partnership with PRSA Boston to launch The Ted Chaloner Learning...
Which philanthropic experiences and volunteer efforts make their way into your online profile? You serve on the board of a local non-profit, there was that volunteer effort you coordinated to mentor students at the nearby middle school- oh, and didn’t you do a Heart Walk a few years ago? Or was it a Hunger Walk…...
Task and Final Meetings For communications roles, the interview process will typically include a task designed to further assess your skills. This can be administered at different points, though we typically see it coming near the end of a process. That said, the writing test is extremely important and we have seen it make, and...
The Callback My coach used to say that a team wins playoffs by doing what they do well better. The same applies to the second round of interviews: the post season. You had to earn some victories to get there so you can feel confident in your standing, but you must now play better than...
The First Round Good news! After reviewing your resume and being screened by the recruiter, you’ve been invited to speak with the hiring manager. This means you must possess some of the skills and experience necessary for the role and should feel encouraged to be moving into this next stage of the process. Over the...
Part One: Talking to the Recruiter In many cases, a conversation with a recruiter is the gateway to your candidacy. Even if you come to the hiring manager’s attention through a referral, if they are partnering with a recruiter on the search you will often be screened by him/her first. How can you prepare for...
Over the past thirty-five years, Ted Chaloner built this company from a one-man shop into a well-respected leader in nationwide communications, public relations and marketing executive search. We now congratulate Ted on his retirement and look forward to our future. In his career, Ted offered top-level counsel to hundreds of client companies and thoughtful guidance...
Three of our team members recently attended the FutureM Conference at INBOUND in Boston. Rebecca, Christine and Swetha were new to the conference, which is only in its second year. Still, 10,000 people came from all over the country for both conferences and there were international attendees as well. Our team came back with fresh...
Last week I had the pleasure of attending a New York Women In Communications panel around the hot topic of content marketing. Lori Greene, senior partner and content director at Maxus, moderated the discussion that included Alexa Christon, head of Global Media Development for GE; Georgia Galanoudis, managing director at Meredith Xcelerated Marketing, and Julie...
With many of our team members making plans to attend conferences this fall- Rebecca is at FutureM this week and will join Amy at the International PRSA conferences in October- I wanted to investigate how one can get the most out of a conference experience. Attending these events often requires travel, and a big investment...
It’s that time of year: the winds grow cooler, food gets pumpkin flavoring, and kids all over don backpacks and new outfits as they begin a new year at school. Even if you are no longer a student, that rhythm is engrained in us, I think, and this feels like a natural moment to gear...
It is easy to fall into a work-home-work cycle where you only put effort into networking at big events or conferences. But there are things you can be doing on a daily basis to build and improve your existing network. Stay Focused Good networkers favor quality over quantity. Every so often, reassess whom you might...
Jobseekers will often ask me how to get their hat in the ring for certain positions. Maybe you’ve just learned of a role that was filled that you didn’t even know was open. It’s the kind of company you’d love to work for, a position you’re qualified to fill, and you’re confident that had you...
As communicators, we know that the effort to appeal to a large and diverse audience can sometimes dilute the message. We are taught to tailor our content and target a segment of the audience, so that we can speak, write and advertise more effectively. But it can be easy to forget or neglect this strategy...
We are fortunate to have two interns at Chaloner right now – Swetha Nagaraj has just started at our Boston office and Emily Kelly is finishing up a summer working in New York. Swetha is a graduate student at Emerson College and Emily is entering her senior year at Loyola University in Maryland. These women...
A guest blog by Samantha Beach The term “underdog” comes to us from dogfights of the 19th century where, at the end of a battle, one dog would end up on top and one underneath. The dog that lost bore the shame in the books where it would read “underdog” beneath his name and number....
A guest blog by Samantha Beach While the necessary skills for a successful communications career seem to be rapidly evolving and changing with the landscape, there is one business skill that I have to master in the same way that my dad did and his dad before him. Negotiating requires a gravitas, confidence and savvy...
In the war for talent at senior levels, executive search firms are and always will be major players. We are in the business of talent, established or emerging, and it will serve you in the long game of your career to make yourself known to recruiters in your industry. Not only do you want to...
When you are presented with a counteroffer, how do you weigh the options at hand? What else is at stake beyond the dollar comparison? Here are some questions to ask yourself before running right back to the same desk you were sitting in when you first thought about making a change. What are the circumstances...
LinkedIn now has over 300 million members and 40% of its users visit the site daily. Used by 98% of recruiters, there is no denying the importance of having a presence on this platform. I spent some time this spring counseling young professionals on their online presence through the Step Up organization.  We discussed the...
It is an unfortunate fact but a true one: no matter how many years you worked at a certain place, no matter how much you contributed, and how central you were to a company’s culture and mission- a careless exit can cost you your legacy. Of course there are any number of reasons to move...
I recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with a favorite candidate, Joel Mandina. Joel came to us from Keating Magee in New Orleans and we placed him at Mullen in Boston. He went onto launch his own company, VICE Marketing and has just completed a graduate degree in Global Communications at the American University in...
A guest blog by Julie Livingston, Strategic Communications Professional and Co-VP, Mentoring, NY Women in Communications Foundation (volunteer role) In conversations with numerous colleagues about my current job search, I often hear comments such as, “networking during the summer can be challenging because so many people are away and out of the office.” While temporary...
If you are looking for a great job, here are three important things to keep in mind: 1. Tell your story 2. Keep your story up-to-date 3. Broadcast your story Social Media works for all three.  The people you really want to reach – the hiring managers or the recruiters – are already fully engaged...
Sometimes our clients will provide us with about five non-negotiable criteria for candidates to meet; skills they must possess or experience they have to have to be considered for a specific role. Of course this varies across positions and companies, but there are several items we see cropping up again and again. I compared notes...
While attending career fairs should only be one part of your job search, they can be a valuable step if you make a plan and assert yourself appropriately. To gain more insight on how to navigate these events, I consulted with the people on the other side of the table. Debbie Gsellmeier is Director of...
Tonight I will speak at a Step Up event for high school seniors on how to make the most of college. Each girl will be matched to a mentor from Harvard Business School for the evening and they will also receive counsel from a panel of recent graduates. In preparing for the evening, I have...
To continue mining some of the expertise around our office, I picked recruiter Christine Santeusanio’s brain this week. Christine attends a lot of networking events, especially of the fast and furious variety, and she has some good advice about how to get the most out of these evenings as an attendee and a facilitator. SB:...
Last week we welcomed a new recruiter, Rebecca Porter, to our team. I had the pleasure of getting to know a bit more about her: what blogs she reads, what its been like coming full circle in her career and, most importantly, her love for Bon Jovi. SB: Our new hires answer a bunch of...
Last week we welcomed our newest employee, Rebecca Porter, to Chaloner and we decided to share some useful information about bringing on new staff. Too often the onboarding process is overly formal or a rushed afterthought (19% of companies have no process in place at all). A comprehensive approach is more effective in reducing turnover...
At a recent Young Women in Digital event in Boston, I met many professionals who are just launching their communications careers. As I looked around the room, I felt so excited for them to be entering this field at this particular moment.  I would encourage any young person to consider pursuing a career in public...
It is only natural to breathe a sigh of relief coming out of a big interview or meeting that you think has gone well, but your work isn’t quite done. Don’t forget the final and significant step: a prompt follow up. In the professional world, a thank you note should not be an afterthought or...
In addition to working at Chaloner, I am also pursuing a career in acting, which often requires me to put auditions on tape. So I was interested to learn that video interviews are becoming more and more common as a means for companies to pre-screen candidates. I know how challenging it is to present an...
Here we are at the end of Women’s History Month and it’s fitting that March featured many well-run, well-attended events at women’s organizations across the country. I had the pleasure of attending the Young Women in Digital event in Boston and most recently a Step Up Women’s Panel on Women of Character, Courage and Conviction. ...
Since I started working at Chaloner last fall, I have witnessed many ways in which a recruiter relationship can be hugely beneficial to a professional communicator throughout the course of his or her career. Larry Galardi, whom we placed as the Director of Internal Communications at Alexion Pharmaceuticals, says this: “While online media can be...
Last week I attended a great networking event in Boston through the Young Women in Digital organization. Melanie Cohn, their founder, discusses their take on networking: “Networking is at the heart of all of our events. In order to facilitate conversation and keep it pressure-free, each of our events have a topic or theme that...
A job description, even one that’s well written, can only tell you so much about the role. It is a useful rough sketch but you must do a little sleuthing to fill in the whole picture. Do Your Research As we’ve said in the past, do your research. Read the job description closely. Words and...
Career coach, Marie McIntyre, says it best: “People get raises because they add value, so instead of pleading for an increase because you need it, explain why you deserve it.” In 2014 employers anticipate doling out raises that average 3%, according to a Towers Watson survey of more than 900 companies. So, how do you...
Companies expend great time and energy to assess and codify their core values. These values will then determine the work environment, the way they conduct business and the kinds of people they hire. We too should take the time to consider our individual career values; things to do with the corporate culture, work-life balance, compensation...
Most often, a phone screen is a gateway to a more extensive interview process. It is an efficient means for the hiring company or recruiter to screen candidates before passing them along to the rest of the team. Don’t let the casual nature of a phone call fool you into preparing less than you would...
I recently attended an open house for Step Up Women’s Network; a wonderful organization that works to “empower teen girls from under-resourced communities.” Through after-school programming, mentoring, panels and workshops, Step Up provides networking opportunities for teens and young professionals. The evening reminded me that we can set the tone for the generation behind us....
The job description plays a significant role in the hiring process; from the moment it is created, to its approval within an organization, to being posted, to sharing with candidates, to when it’s used as an interview tool. It will be seen by many, many people and really becomes part of your organization’s reputation. We...
Did you know that January is National Mentoring Month (#mentoringworks)?  Last week, our guest blogger, Samantha Beach shared her take-aways from an event in NYC.  This week we explore how a mentor can help you get to where you want to go. Seek out mentors whose careers you want to emulate. This past week we...
This week we’d like to welcome Samantha Beach, our guest blogger and recent attendee at the most recent New York Women in Communications event. This week I had the privilege of attending a New York Women in Communications (NYWICI) Coffee & Conversations Panel on “The Fastest Way to the Top.” Erica Hill, co-anchor of TODAY’s...
How is 2014 going to be different from 2013? Now is the time to plan what you’re going to do for your job and your career. 1. Remember the big picture. We are always getting bogged down in details, and sometimes being able to check off everything in our to do list at the end...
In Boston, most PR people go to PRSA, IABC or Publicity Club of New England events.  Marketing folks go to the Ad Club or MITX. Investor Relations practitioners go to NIRI meetings. That makes sense, but there are networking opportunities in unexpected places that can be fun, interesting and useful. In 2009, I heard of...
Here on The Interview Room, we focus on practical advice for job seekers and hiring managers. In most cases, that advice involves thinking about the process and decisions ahead. However, in this season of reflections and resolutions, I’ve been thinking about my own career path – a path I wouldn’t have walked had it not...
Here at Chaloner, we’re concluding a yearlong rebranding process in which we’re transitioning from Chaloner Associates Inc., our corporate name for more than three decades, to Chaloner, a bold identity that reflects our brand for the future. If you’d worked here and listed Chaloner on your resume, most people could figure out that the Chaloner...
We are often asked whether it’s worth the time to continue a job search during the holidays. It’s true that there are a lot of distractions at this time of year and many agencies are closed for the week between Christmas and New Years. However, there are lots of things you can do. In fact...
Before cell phones and cameras on computers, before LinkedIn and Facebook, before texting with photos and Instagram, most business photos were headshots taken by professional photographers. They were pretty reliable if boring likenesses. They showed up in annual reports, on white papers, on web sites and brochures. You saw them on real estate signs and...
Here’s an idea inspired by a Kimberly Weisul post on One Thing New. Kim is the founder of One New Thing, was an editor at BusinessWeek and is now Editor-at-Large at Inc. Magazine. Is this you? There’s a PRSA or IABC event coming up and you know you should go and network for a couple...
We counsel candidates to prepare for interviews by doing research on the company history, finding out who the leaders are, looking online for connections they might have with them, talking to people the company knows and who know them, and sharpening their question answering skills.  But how much preparation do the people conducting the interviews...
I am pleased to introduce Chaloner’s very own Ted Chaloner to the Interview Room. With over 35 years in PR and Communications recruiting, he will be a welcome addition to this blog as it continues to grow. – Amy Yes, not “how intelligent are you?” Howard Gardner defined nine different types of intelligence. Some are...
Wikimedia, the sixth most visited website in the world, is all about reducing barriers to free knowledge. Did you know that they have introduced a way for even more people to have affordable access to that knowledge base? Their latest initiative, Wikipedia Zero, enables users in developing countries to access Wikipedia free of data charges. Mobile...
Leaving a job is rarely easy but there are ways to handle your exit gracefully and minimize the awkwardness.  Candidates we place often ask about what to do and say when they resign.  If you are about to move on from your current position, here are seven tips about making it as painless as possible...
I recently had two back-to-back Skype interviews with candidates. Although I determined both candidates were qualified for the position I was recruiting for, one Skype session was much more successful than the other. It got me thinking about what contributed to the better interview since the candidates were similar. Location Like real estate, a Skype...
Searching for a job can be frustrating. You sift through endless job boards and alerts to find the opportunities that look right for you. You send in an application and then wait wondering if you’ll ever get a response. But then, the phone rings and you have a first round phone interview with HR. If...
Candidates often ask us for interview advice.  There is a wealth of good advice available everywhere these days – just try googling “interview advice” and see how many links pop up!  Here are 3 valuable ideas anyone can use to prepare for an interview. Preparing for three common interview questions: 1.    30/60/90.  If you are...
What does social good mean to you? The Social Good Summit is taking place at the 92nd Street Y in NYC this week.  The speakers, who range from Sir Richard Branson to Al Gore to Malala Yousafzai, are discussing the intersection of innovation, new media and technology and then translating that into action plans to...
Employers – interviews are more than just a way to pick the best candidate. I’ve been in the recruiting industry for more than a decade, and I’ve seen many different approaches to interviewing candidates. Some clients have a highly organized, almost clinical approach to vetting candidates. Others are very informal and organic. Since all of...
In our searches for communications and marketing positions, the term “risk taker” is often used when Chaloner clients describe what kind of people they are looking for. We rarely see the phrase “play it safe” in career advice columns or job descriptions.  I am impressed with candidates who take on new challenges in their careers. It...
I spoke recently with a top HR professional at one of our clients. He spoke about the PAO (Problem, Action and Outcome) method he uses in interviews. Called a few different things (such as Behavioral Interviewing, Situational Interviews and Case Interviews), it’s a interviewing strategy we have long used and find particularly effective in finding...
Online information sharing is hot topic, especially in the wake of national issues, celebrity crises and personal events.  How much is too much, and where do we draw the line when it comes to what we put online?  It’s a good question, especially if you’re using social media to search for a new job and...
Last winter I attended the Washington Women in Public Relations’ 2012 Woman of the Year luncheon in DC. It was a great event and I met a lot of outstanding PR professionals. I find that DC is quite different than New York and it shows at events like this where lots of networking goes on. ...
It’s not what you do once that shapes your reputation, but what you do consistently. These days, you hear a lot about innovation, and out-of-the-box thinking and risk taking. It’s almost as if you have to be different to succeed. Not that those things are bad or irrelevant, no, they’re important. My last post was...
Last week I was honored to be the guest speaker at a PRSA luncheon in Rochester, NY, my hometown. The topic was Job Strategies for the Mid-level Communicator. Retained search firms like Chaloner handle many mid- and senior-level searches for clients seeking top talent and we can use that experience to help candidates plan their...
We Can Help! Although our clients are the companies doing the hiring, we’re often able to help candidates be more successful getting through the hiring process. I recently interviewed a talented digital communications professional with a marvelously diverse background, including a JD degree from a good law school.  He was warm and friendly and easy...
Jeff Domansky, the PR Coach, recently interviewed me for an article about what jobs are hot and trending in the PR world.  You can read the whole article here. Two other recruiters and I offered tips such as: ”Treat yourself like you treat your most important client. Craft and tell your story to back it...
These days, it’s not unusual to find many PR/Communications professionals consulting. All professions have shown a huge increase in non-permanent positions. In April, the New York Times reported that 76% of all American university professors are adjunct faculty. Some consultants wonder how freelancing will be viewed when interviewing for a full time position. How can...
Last week, I posted about helpful interview skills after my stint as a coach at New York Women in Communication’s Night of the Coaches event. Since many of the attendees were just out of college, a lot of the questions centered around informational interviews, and how to get the most out of them. Often informational...
I was grateful this year to be asked to be one of six career coaches and recruiting professionals to lead roundtable discussions at New York Women in Communications‘ popular Night of the Coaches event. The event is aimed at professionals eager to get the inside scoop on professional networking and interviewing. At my roundtable, we focused...
Here at Chaloner Associates, we believe in business. While most of our client companies are medium-to large-size organizations in the United States, many sprang from the creativity of a single individual or group of individuals who borrowed some money from friends or family to bring their dreams to fruition. Kiva, a nonprofit organization founded by...
Appearance can make or break an interview. This may seem petty, but the bottom line is that an employer needs to have confidence that you’ll represent them well while on the job. 1. Dress Professionally…even if it’s Friday Unless told otherwise, for communications and marketing positions, wear a suit. For men, this means the obvious:...
Let’s be honest, most people feel nervous in interviews. The key is to channel that energy into something positive. Here are four suggestions for dealing with nerves. 1. Our founder, Ted Chaloner, has observed that nervous candidates tend to ramble, whether in an interview with us or with our clients.  One candidate, in an effort...
I’m Amy Segelin, president of Chaloner Associates, an executive search firm specializing in public relations, marketing and communications positions across all industries. Our company has been in business for 34 years and that’s long enough to have acquired lots of wisdom. With the support of CEO Ted Chaloner, and our Boston and New York staff,...