What a Difference a Year Makes: Reviewing Trends in Chaloner's 2022 and 2023 Pulse Survey Data

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What a Difference a Year Makes: Reviewing Trends in Chaloner’s 2022 and 2023 Pulse Survey Data

  • Posted by: Elizabeth

The purpose of our Pulse Survey is to get a read of our social media audience. Each survey was released for 48 hours from start to finish, and we allowed 100 respondents maximum. For years 2022 & 2023, our questions were almost identical. In 2021, our survey was targeted specifically to return to office issues.


As you can see, compared to the 2022 survey, more women replied in 2023. In general, women are more likely than men to respond to surveys, so this demographic information tends to follow larger data trends.

New Job, New Salary

In 2023, there was a 18.75% increase in people who reported changing jobs in the last 2 years. While the top reason for the job change remained the same, it decreased to 54.55% of claiming respondents reporting departing their previous role for better pay. A larger portion of people reported changing jobs due to job elimination, up 7.27%. Additionally, in 2023, 9.09% moved to a new market.

Salaries are showing a positive trend. There’s less reported stagnation and decreases, and more increases than recorded in 2022. 5-10% more and 20-30% more being the most common levels of salary increases survey respondents reported.

It’s a Hybrid World

In 2023, 25% of our respondents have reported that they’re working remotely, a slight decrease from nearly 30% in 2022. The remaining 75% of survey participants reported going into the office at least on an occasional basis. None of our respondents reported being in the office every day. None of our respondents only work from home 1 day a week of on an occasional basis. Most work from home between 2-4 days per week, with most only going into the office once a week.

Zoom, Zoom

In 2023, Zoom got knocked down a few pegs to the software 62.5% of respondents used. Microsoft Teams and WebEx use increased, up to 25% and 6.25% respectively. The wild card here is that Google Meets wasn’t used by respondents, but Facebook was.


Our 2023 survey has seen an increase in people changing jobs. We’re recording positive salary trends with more increases. Nearly 70% of our respondents have changed jobs in the last two years, a steep increase from our 2022 data where only 50% recorded changing jobs in the last two years.

2023 has seen the lasting impact Covid remote work has had on our workplace location. 25%, per our survey, have remained remote, and hybrid work remains as a common part of nearly everyone’s workweek. With more data coming out about the benefits of remote work (increases in employment of people with disabilities and an improved work environment for caretakers), we’ve seen some of the benefits of remote and hybrid work schedules. It’s clear that we, at least two years into returning to the office, will continue to see work from home at least a couple days a week as standard practice.

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