Nearly every company will, from time to time, find themselves in a hiring rut. Over the next four weeks I’ll offer some tips on how to break out of that rut and attract candidates you love and, more importantly, are right for the job. This week I want to focus on the job description. Rethinking the job description is often an easy fix to shake up your applicant pool.
Change the job title
Many employers will use a job title specific to the internal structure of the company or will use a unique title to spark potential applicants’ interest. However, according to a LinkedIn study, 64% of job seekers won’t apply for a job if they don’t understand the job title. Keep the job title clear and universal. After you’ve hooked applicants who are certain they are interested in and qualified for the position, you can use the description to specify and excite!
Use language that reflects company culture
A job description can be as effective in communicating the feeling and culture of a company as it can be in explaining the qualifications. Match your tone to that of an ideal employee. For example, if your company thrives on personable, flexible staff, don’t be afraid to use more casual language. Similarly, if you’re in the market for intense, passionate applicants, consider describing the job in that way.
Ask what your company can do for applicants
A recent paper detailed by the Wall Street Journal advises employers to put themselves in the applicants’ place when writing the job description. An extensive list of qualifications can be intimidating and alienating to applicants. Ask yourself, what do employees get out of working for this company? What can we offer this applicant that no other company can offer? Gearing your job description to the applicant’s perspective will get potential employees excited about the experience of working for your company.
Remember, you don’t have to fit everything in the job description. You have the rest of the hiring process to communicate the specific requirements and challenges of the position! When revising your job description, just focus on creating a clear description unique to your company with the applicant in mind.
Chaloner, founded in 1979 as Chaloner Associates, is a national executive search firm that focuses on recruiting mid- to senior-level communications, public relations, marketing and investor relations professionals.