AI in PR

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AI in PR

  • Posted by: Elizabeth

ChatGPT did NOT write this article. But if we’ve learned anything from our survey, it’s that we might let it write a future one. Well, a future first draft. 

Since ChatGPT’s introduction at the end of 2022, generative AI has been of speculation on what we might or might not be able to use it for, occupying a place of excitement and/or dread depending on if you planned to embrace or turn away from this new resource. 

We launched our AI in the workplace survey earlier this month, hoping to discover who in our community has been actively using AI regularly in a professional setting. We had just one question for our community: Are you using AI in your current job responsibilities? Most of our respondents reported not using AI at work or having only dabbled in using AI at work, but far more than anticipated do use AI. 

Cision and PRWeek’s 2024 Global Comms Report: Elevating & Evolving discusses the communications industry’s usage of AI. Interestingly, 42% of their European respondents reported using generative AI frequently. Only 24% of US respondents reported using it frequently. Other interesting data points from the 2024 Global Comms Report include that corporate communications teams are more likely to use generative AI than agencies and the most common usage is in content creation.

Cision and PRWeek’s data suggests that a large percentage of communications teams are at least experimenting with generative AI. Our survey reveals that nearly 50% use it and another 20% are trying it out, making up the majority of survey respondents. ChatGPT, and other generative AI tools, seems to be here to stay, and the quick adoption of it in the relatively short amount of time it has been active speaks volumes to where the industry expects it to be in the future.