The Communications Network Annual Event: 2024 in Kansas City

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The Communications Network Annual Event: 2024 in Kansas City

  • Posted by: Chaloner

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Signs in an elementary school classroom? Messages on the wall of a corporate conference room used for brainstorming? Perhaps. But last week, these were the mantras assigned to all members attending ComNET24. These were the eight boxes on the B-side of the name tags that we wore visibly for the duration of the event and that were printed on large colorful signs all over the hotel. These imperatives set the tone for the three-day conference in Kansas City, but honestly, they were just calling out what was already baked into the Communications Network community ethos.

This event is unlike any other. The lobby of the hotel is filled with a tangible energy that winds its way through the coffee shop, the meeting rooms, the bar at the opening night event, the gym at 6:30 in the morning (not that I witnessed that – too early!) and into each and every interaction at the conference. It is an unfortunate fact that these sentiments are not the status quo in our day-to-day lives but that makes them all the more remarkable and the experience at ComNET even more exceptional.

ComNET is no ordinary conference. The Communications Network is a community. It is a group of passionate people energized by sharing and learning from others who share a commitment to making change in the world. Every attendee at the event – which means everyone, ComVets and newbies – has the same superpower: the knowledge of how to use communications for good. It is an amazing privilege to walk into a space where the vibe is electric and a room of one thousand people feels like a reunion. But without being cliquey and minus even a trace of hierarchy or bureaucracy. 

Chaloner is in the people business. We are extroverts who thrive on networking. We are highly attuned to people and personalities and culture. We are matchmakers, not only as we fill roles and complete searches, but as we introduce people who can help each other in so many ways. We are thrilled to be part of a community that wants to work together, representing that (sadly) old-fashioned concept of “more hands make light work.” In a world where it feels like there is broadly an absence of kindness, respect and warmth, it was a balm to be at ComNET this year. 

To all we know already and those we hope to know, we urge you to embrace the ComNET mantras at home, at work and in your community. Maybe we are still riding the joy from the conference, but we believe that if each of us embrace even one or two of these ideas, we will make a difference in the world. 

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